Hi gorgeous and welcome to your new reality of getting rich, living your dream life & doing what you love the most. 

My name is Emily Whiteside and it is my gift to guide women into  coming back home to their innate worthiness, power, and availability to receiving it all. I have guided thousands of women   tap back into their wealthy identity, pleasure, and abundance. It is time to step into your fullest, most turned-on life and existence. And I am so grateful you are here with me.

This is about becoming THE woman. 

The woman who not only has it all, but is it all. The woman who walks into the room and turns heads. The woman who magnetizes all of the energy towards her. She is living the life of her absolute dreams while changing the world by building her dream empire.

Reclaim your Feminine Energy + Magnetism to start creating the life, business, and relationships you dreamed of.

Heal your inner good girl, and create embodied and powerful self love, respect, truth, and expression.

Tap into  the energy of luxury, abundance and wealth through pleasure, magnetism, and embodiment.

The truth is... I get it.

I was always the "shy girl"

The good girl.

The “you’re too nice” girl.

The insecurity I held, the fear inside of my body was so strong at times I felt like no one saw me. I felt invisible.

When I started my brand, I did everything I could to fit in.

I put the embodiment pieces last, the pleasure last...

And focused on the doing.

My “good girl” energy felt great because she did as she was told. My insecurity lessened because I was doing what everyone else was doing.

But then, I realized fitting in means blending in.

I didn’t really have a brand, because I was too afraid to be seen. I had a service. A service many others provided. A service that was sold from lack.

I didn’t know “how” to be bold. I didn’t know “how” to stand out.

But I realized I already had IT.

The moment I decided I would be RICH by being no one else except ME, was when it all began to change.

It’s time to be seen.

It’s time to lead with your boldness.

It’s time to be all of you.

Get instant access to the FREE Receive It All Meditation & Tapping Video series!

Inside you'll find: EFT Tapping for Miracles and a High-Vibe Day, Overflow with Money Meditation, Rich Girl Walking Meditation, 90 Second Tapping for a Quick Energy Shift... and so much more! 

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The Powder room is a free community for high-valued, feminine leaders who desire more connection, pleasure, and goddess energy. Inside, I share masterclasses, dating stories, and so much more! It also is a free space to connect and share your stories, questions, and advice!

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A story-telling, audiobook podcast on finding love, creating a life of dreams, and so much more!

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I can not wait to connect with you deeper here! 

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